I am delighted to inform you that my book launch and signing is now set for 2pm – 5pm on Thursday 20th September 2018. The venue is the Old Police Cells Museum, Brighton Town Hall.
Light refreshments will be available including a glass of wine as well as soft drinks. Sadly, the refreshments will not be of the quantity or quality of such events held by the author Peter James in the past which some of you may have attended, as I don’t have a rich agent as yet! I would be grateful if you could PM me if you would like to come in order that I am able to cater for numbers.
There will be copies of “My Way” available to purchase at the price of £9.99 on the day and I will be available to sign these. I would be grateful if payments could be made in cash at the time. I hope to have sufficient numbers available on the day but if we run out then I will be happy to take orders. Additionally, for those who have already purchased a copy of the book, I will be pleased to sign these if you bring them along with you.
Whilst you are there, the Police Museum will be open for you to have a look around if you so wish. It is well worth the effort!
It will be great to see as many of you there as can make it in order to celebrate the launch of my first book.
Many thanks to all of you for your support to date. I hope to have a representative from my chosen charity COPS present on the day. Failing this there will be material available for you to view detailing the excellent work undertaken by them.
All Profits Going to Care of Police Survivors (‘COPS’) Charity